Dive With Yona 2024 Information
Thank you for your expression of interest in the Dive With Yona Camp - Kingston 2024. This is the second edition of this camp
in Jamaica and I’m excited to see a number of new faces.
I extended the registration window to allow more people the opportunity to sign up, and it worked as I hit my target (if everyone attends), but I’m hopeful you will. The plan is to get as much media attention on this as possible, particularly with it being straight after the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, so that you’ll have an amazing opportunity to display your dives in front of lots of people on August 24th.
If you are planning to attend the camp, August 24th is the key date (likely in the morning/midday) which I would ask you to set aside to participate in the display, and you can already start to tell anyone who may want to come and spectate.
The provisional session days and times (times subject to change) are as follows:
Tuesday 13th - Friday 16th @ 3-4pm & 5-6pm — Saturday 17th @ 10am-12pm
Tuesday 20th - Friday 23rd @ 3-4pm & 5-6pm — Saturday 24th (Display) @ 9am-12pm
On the weekdays, I would ideally have those who are participating for the first time to attend the first session (3-4pm), and those who are returning from last year to attend the second session (5-6pm). The session on Saturday 17th would be a great opportunity to bring everyone together. Of course I can be flexible so if these times don’t work for you then please let me know.
I was really trying to find some corporate sponsorship/investment in advance of this camp so that I could make it free to attend, despite stating a JMD$1000 cost of entry. Unfortunately, I have been unsuccessful so far in finding that sponsorship/investment so all spending is currently out of my own pocket. I don’t want to create a barrier to entry for anyone so I will make the cost of entry optional, you can state your position below, but I ask you to consider it because your contribution will absolutely facilitate the development of diving in Jamaica.
Please complete the form below to confirm your availability for the display (I will only make certificates for those who do the display), and please confirm which days of the camp you can attend.