The A.I.M. Introduction


The Athlete In Me is all about using your inner athlete to extract higher performance in whatever you do. Everybody has a relationship with sport at some level, whether you were forced to run laps in PE, you were partial to a casual kick-about, or you tried to make it professionally. I believe tapping into that sporting mindset will have a positive effect on your performance.

Using a combination of my experiences from a decade of international competition with credible theory, this introduction and the upcoming series of eBooks will bridge the gap between theory and practice, show your strengths and weaknesses, and challenge you to improve your performance.

Available for FREE so hit the link to download The A.I.M. Introduction NOW! Compatible on to Desktop, iBooks, or Google Play Books.

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The Athlete In Me is all about using your inner athlete to extract higher performance in whatever you do. Everybody has a relationship with sport at some level, whether you were forced to run laps in PE, you were partial to a casual kick-about, or you tried to make it professionally. I believe tapping into that sporting mindset will have a positive effect on your performance.

Using a combination of my experiences from a decade of international competition with credible theory, this introduction and the upcoming series of eBooks will bridge the gap between theory and practice, show your strengths and weaknesses, and challenge you to improve your performance.

Available for FREE so hit the link to download The A.I.M. Introduction NOW! Compatible on to Desktop, iBooks, or Google Play Books.

The Athlete In Me is all about using your inner athlete to extract higher performance in whatever you do. Everybody has a relationship with sport at some level, whether you were forced to run laps in PE, you were partial to a casual kick-about, or you tried to make it professionally. I believe tapping into that sporting mindset will have a positive effect on your performance.

Using a combination of my experiences from a decade of international competition with credible theory, this introduction and the upcoming series of eBooks will bridge the gap between theory and practice, show your strengths and weaknesses, and challenge you to improve your performance.

Available for FREE so hit the link to download The A.I.M. Introduction NOW! Compatible on to Desktop, iBooks, or Google Play Books.